
Tuesday, October 30, 2012

Halloween Mantle and Amazing Costumes from the party

My mantle stresses me out.  Maybe because its so big (random problem).  Maybe because I want to paint it white.... who knows!?   Anyway, I put off decorating it for Halloween until the very last minute.   The only things I bought for the mantle came from Dollar Tree... the rest I had.   Cheap, easy, fast mantle.  I didn't love it but it will do!  Now I am so beyond ready to get Halloween out of here and move on to fall!

We had the best time ever at our First Annual *Adult Only* Halloween Party.  We truly have some of the most creative friends ever.  I didn't do a great job of snapping pictures that night (shame, shame) but here are a few of the costume contest winners and honorable mentions!
American Gothic and Will and I were Where's Waldo and Wenda

The Mad Hatter and Alice.... seriously!  Have you ever?  She made these costumes!

Homer and Marge

Lance and his doping Dr.

I had to add this one because it is the only one with a potato head in it.... and there were actually 4 potato heads total!  They both did great jobs making the costumes and I can't believe I do not have better pics!
That is just a sampling... there were so many more amazing costumes and the camera just escaped me!  I'll do better next year...



More Halloween here, here, and here.

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