
Monday, July 9, 2012

When life hands you lemons... go to the beach!

Sometimes life slows you down from your normal routine.  For me, three weeks ago today, it was in the form of a ruptured ectopic pregnancy which required an emergency surgery.  Through it all I was reminded not only am I beyond blessed to have two perfect beautiful children but also, my life is full to the brim with amazing friends and family who cooked, cleaned, took care of my babies, and just stepped in without being asked, to help out in any way possible.  Blessed is an understatement.

 I received an amazingly sweet card in the mail but one line stuck out to me, "I'm so sorry for your tragedy."  I struck me for some reason.  I just haven't really thought of it that way. Sure, it sucked, but that is just not the way I look at life.  Now, if I didn't have two great kids or if things had turned out a little differently maybe I would feel this way.  It is sad that I'll never have any more kids but one verse sticks out in my mind and strangely enough it has been in my head since the very day I found out I was pregnant with my third. 

"For I know the plans I have for you, declares the Lord"   Jeremiah 29:11

I am a true believer in everything happens for a reason and I am so thankful for these two perfect babies I get to spend my every day with.  Life is good today!
My doctors gave me the the go ahead to head on down to Pawleys Island less than a week after my surgery with strict instructions to relax.... uhhhh, OK!  I can totally do that!  Here are a few pics from the week.   Also, Rebekah and I plan to get back to your regularly scheduled programming ASAP!  My baby boy starts Kindergarten on Wednesday which, at this moment, seems like more of a tragedy than the surgery!!!!!!!!!  Prayers please!  I told one of my friends if I show up on her door step with mascara running down my face and a bottle of wine in my hand at 8:30 a.m. then to just let me in!  Why must the grown up so fast!!

Here's to an uneventuful week!


  1. My almost-kindergartener (why does your start so soon?) has the same Gymboree bathing suit as your daughter, so cute!

    Just last night I was telling my husband that with our three kids, if we don't have any more I would be OK, and I meant it. Sometimes we just need to let go, thank you for reminding me to have faith in that.


    1. Hey Jessica! He is going to a year around school. 9 weeks on, 3 weeks off and a 5 week summer. Crappy now but I think 3 weeks off in September will be amazing!

      About the other, ive decided that I'm sure it's something I'll always think and wonder about but also always be ok with!!!

  2. Sending love and hugs Kandi! I am glad the sun and sand warmed your skin and soul. Xoxo

  3. Life is full of ups and downs. We all must take good care of our mental health. It is a good idea to visit the beech. Now it's time to avail water bottle for more information.
