
Wednesday, June 27, 2012

Cleaning Vintage Lace

A couple of weeks ago I went to an Estate Sale and found the most delightful bag full of vintage lace.  I still have not decided what I want to make with these beautiful pieces, pillows, dresses, skirts, or perhaps  wedding garders, but I know it will be lovely with these gorgeous handmade lace! 

The only problem was this lace was in terrible condition!  It was stinky and brown from years of neglect, so before it can tranform my next project, I needed to clean it. 

I have used several methods to clean vintage fabrics and lace in the past, but the method I want to share with you today is simple and works every time. 


1. Use a large canning pot.  (If you don't have a canning pot, use your largest pot.

2. Fill the pot half full with water

3. Place 1/2 cup of OxiClean powder into the water, stir

4. Add fabric/lace (water needs to cover all fabric)

5. Bring water to a boil and turn off heat

6.  Let fabric sit in water stir occassionally, until water cools

7. Pour off dirty water

8. Repeat process until water pours off clean

9. Rinse fabric under facet to remove all OxiClean

10. Line dry in the sun

I use this same process for all of my vintage finds...tablecloths, pillowcases, tablerunners, napkins....


Thanks for joining us today.  I am sorry our post have been a  little spread out.  Kandi and I both have little ones, so summer is usy, going on picnics, the pool, beach, vacationing...and lets face it just making sure our kiddos are not sitting in front of a tv!  We ask that you hang in there with us through this season.  Fall will be here before we know it, and we will be back to our regular posting schedule!




  1. Gorgeous lace, a lovely find, even if it was a bit stinky :-)

  2. Wow! That lace is beautiful. Thanks for the cleaning tips. I'm always on the lookout for some nice lace tablecloths or curtains at yard sales or estate sales. I'm a big thrifter and have just started using a great website: I love it because it maps out a yard sale/estate sale route for me. Just wanted to pass that along :)
