
Tuesday, May 22, 2012

Harpers 2nd Birthday Inspiration: Ice Cream Party

So.... although I knew that Harper's birthday was coming up soon I think I have been in denial of just how soon!  You have to understand, within a month of each other I have one turning two and the other going to Kindergarten.  Kindergarten is killing me... I can't even talk about it right now!!  Instead, lets plan a party!!
I love ice cream and I love playing in the water!!
Summer birthdays are fun.  It just opens up the possibilities and I am "planning" to have this one outside (which we all know means it will rain).  The loose theme I am using is "ice cream and slip-n-slide".  Basically I'm going to decorate with and serve ice cream and then send the kids outside to play in the water and get their energy out! 

For me, a party always starts with the invitation.  I didn't know whether to go with the full on ice cream theme...

Or the full on Slip-N Slide theme...

Neither were perfect but I fell in LOVE with this one!
Loved the colors and love that it gets across the whole party!  Water, fun, and food. 

Now, on to the decor.  I am thinking lots of pennant banners hanging from the decks and trees. 

Of course, a big ice cream bar!
Ok!  This has been the easy part!  Now, I need to get to work.   

On another note, my entry closet makeover is coming along beautifully!  My sweet husband is working so hard to get it done.  He is a perfectionist so I've heard a few choice words coming from the foyer... but we will let that slide as long as he keeps working!  Want a sneak peak? 




  1. Loving the ice cream party idea :) I think I'm "stealing" your candy theme for Avery's 1st party. Maybe more like a polka dots with a candy buffet :) Love following your blog. You guys are sooo talented!!!

    1. Hey Sarah! The candy theme was my favorite!! So easy!! I think my favorite part were the big balloon "lollipops" lining the walkway! You have to do that.... Do cute! I am in love with Avery by the way! She has a much better wardrobe than me! I've never seen you look happier momma!
