
Thursday, March 15, 2012

Southern Home Show and IKEA!!

I mentioned here that I won tickets to the Southern Home Show.  I never win anything so I thought it was awesome and a great excuse to head out of town for the day!  My friend Jenn met me there.  We were giddy just to see each other and didn't care too much how the show was.  Here are a few of my must haves from the show. 

There are a few things I would have left with if at all possible...

1.  A Suspension Chair (or 4) from BH System.

It was seriously the most comfortable place I have ever put my tush!  And they were beautiful.  Can't you just picture yourself with a cup of coffee, reading a magazine, watching your kids play.....  baaahhaaaaa!  Yeah right... but still fun to try to imagine!

2.  Carved Rock Sculpture from Eric Moore Designs.

He carves these all himself with rocks he mainly finds (there is only one kind of rock he buys).  They were just unbelievably beautiful!!!  I know the perfect person who will be getting one of these as a gift.  But he/she may or may not read by blog so I will say no more!!! 

So I took the next couple pictures with my i-phone.  The quality it bad and I know nothing about the vendors, also bad... but they are inspiring!

Who wouldn't want this in their yard?  Tulips + Sculpture = Yes, please!

This would be minus the canopy for me... but, the orange and blue together is perfectly fresh and the monogram pillow.... I'll take it!  I am from the South after all!  I will monogram anything possible!

To feed my monogramming obsession... it might actually be a bad thing if I had one of these... 

And finally, Jenn posing for me in an Ikea setup (at a fake laptop).  This would be perfect for the random spot in my playroom.  I would add a desk rather than table for the kids to do homework at one day (planning ahead!).  I would have the cabinets in glossy white, and I would hide endless amounts of toys and craft supplies. 

Don't we all need a day away with friends?!?!  So blessed to not only have great friends but an awesome husband who understands that I am a happier person when I get to recharge... even if it is only a couple times a year! 



  1. Wow! Looks like lots of fun. I love the sculptures!

  2. Haha!!! I'm so professional! You picked all my favorites from he show except the outdoor shower. I think our next field trip is to the sculpture place! Thanks for the invite!
