
Monday, March 19, 2012

Hydrangea Wreath Tutorial

This happens to be the worlds cheapest and easiest wreath tutorial.  I was inspired by what else... Pinterest.  I randomly searched "wreaths" on afternoon and you wouldn't believe how many awesome ideas popped up!  Seriously... go search it!  I ended up making this one because I not only loved it, but I had plenty of dried hydrangeas so I knew I could make it quickly and easily and for zero dollars. 

- piece of cardboard
- dried hydrangeas
- hot glue gun and glue
- scissors
- length of string
For me it made more sense to make a wreath for out of cardboard because the flat back worked well for hanging it on a wall and the dried hydrangeas are so light weight that the cardboard will be plenty sturdy. I used the old elementary school method of making a perfect circle.  Tie a length of string to your pencil at the desired circumference of your circle.  Draw around while holding tight in the center.  Shorten the length for your inner circle.  Cut out.  If you are like me you will not care if your circle isn't 100% perfect because its going to be covered up.   If you are like my husband you will start over and do it until it's perfect therefore wasting precious time...

I only have one picture of the glue it on step because it's kind of a no brainer.  Add a length of ribbon to the back for hanging if needed first.  Next, cut the stems from your hydrangeas  and cover a surface area of the form with hot glue.  Stick your hydrangeas  down putting even pressure so it will stick but taking care not to crush it.  Continue until you're finished!

You will have to go back at the end taking small cuttings to fill in the gaps.  I think this wreath took me a total of 15 minutes from start to finish!  I have had it a few different places and I like it everywhere.  I have a love affair with hydrangeas though and my house is surrounded by them.  Their leaves are just now beginning to come out for the year and I'm already excited! 

I have since moved it to the dining room.  Quick  note... if you are going to be hanging it from a window or in front of a mirror take into account what the back looks like.  I ended up covering the back of mine with strips of burlap so it would look a little better from the other side. 
Check out my new dining room chairs!!!  More on those later this week along with the beginning of the dining room makeover.  (See the old ones here)

A note on drying hydrangeas.
I had the dried hydrangeas for this wreath already from my yard last year but drying them is super easy even if you buy them from the grocery store.  Basically display them in a vase with water and they will slowly dry as the water evaporates.  They usually retain their color but it may be a little more muted.  It doesn't always work as well with flower shop hydrangeas but I have had plenty of luck.  If you are planning on drying them from your own bush wait until the second half of summer when the start to feel slightly papery.  They seem to do perfectly from here.  If there are a couple brown petals they are easily removed once dried.  The funny part about this is this is the way I have always dried my hydrangeas but before typing it here I thought I better Google to see the "real" way.  Love it when I just happen to do things right the first time... that's not usually the way things go for me! 

This is an easy peasy and potentially free beautiful wreath.  I am thinking it is worth it for you to go ahead and plant yourself a hydrangea or two if you don't have one already!  Now is the time! 
I hope you are having this amazing spring weather like I am!  I am headed outside to enjoy it and start working on weeding my flower beds, doing a little pruning, and getting the ground ready to add annuals in a few weeks!  YAY!!  Spring is the best time of year!  Stay tuned for some gardening posts and tutorials coming up.


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  1. I have seen those wreaths on Pinterest too-your looks amazing! You did a great job.

    Best wishes,
    Natasha in Oz

  2. Love it - cant' wait for the hydrangeas in my garden to bloom so I can cut them and use them for this kind of project.

    Following you on Linky now.

  3. I love this! I will be copying it soon. :)

  4. This is a wonderful wreath!!! I need to ask my Mom to keep me some of her Hydrangea!!

    Thanks so much for sharing this at The DIY Dreamer... From Dream To Reality!!

  5. LOVE! Hydgrangeas are my favorite flower and this is so pretty! I love how full and lush it is! Would you stop by and link up to my Friday party??

  6. I love your wreath and only wish I had access to lots of dried hydrangea blossoms. Now and then I find one broken off in someone's garden and I take it home and treasure it, but they are pretty hard to find that way. I really should plant a bush of my own.

    1. Go plant one! Super low maintenance once they are established! Totally worth it!

  7. This is so pretty. I love how full it looks. I'm definitely going to try this.

    I'm a new follower. I'd love for you to follow me back!

  8. Just to let you know I featured your beautiful project on homework today. Come over and grab a featured button if you’d like. Have a great weekend.

    1. Yay Carolyn! I'll be right over to get my button!!!!

  9. Your wreath is stunning!!! I adore it!! :) Thanks for sharing at oopsey daisy!

  10. Such a pretty wreath! Love it.

    -Erin Spain

  11. I love your wreath. I have some many dried hydrangeas from last summer. I love the natural look, so I'll be using them on this wreath. always more this summer. Thanks for sharing your creative inspiration at Sunday's Best!

  12. Love your project! Would love for you to come share at Simple & Sweet Fridays. You would inspire everyone with the Hydrangea Wreath.


  13. That looks great...and doable!
    I had to laugh at the husband part...I just leave mine be!
    Thanks for coming by to link up...I would love to have you back this week!
    See you there!
    Stacey of Embracing Change

  14. I love hydrangeas as well! I planted three mini hydrangea bushes last year so hopefully I will see some blooms this year!!! I love the lampshade over the dining room table by the way... Did you make that too?

  15. I love it and am totally going to try this one! I have a TON of dried hydrangeas! Thanks for the inspiration and for linking up at Feathered Nest Friday!

  16. I love this project. Would love for you to share on Simple & Sweet Fridays. It is a perfect wreath for Spring.
    Love your blog. New Follower!


  17. I love hydrangeas, and your dried wreath is a perfect use for them. So pretty!
