
Sunday, March 11, 2012

A Sneak Peak at my Little Man's Room and the Owl Winner!

We want to announce the winner of our Owl Friend Give away, but first I want to catch you up on my week.

Unfortunately, I did not meet my deadlines this past week.  My little ones were kind enough to share an awful stomach bug with me.  Yuck!  So unfortunately my deadline to share C's new room with you is going to be pushed back a few weeks.  That's right, a few weeks.  Thanks for your patience. At least I am on track with my foyer makeover, a project I am tackling at the same time.  As you know remodeling is rarely ever a smooth process.  Do you remember that dream headboard I ordered from Tues. Morning for $250? 

Well my Cyber Monkey stole it!  I really do think I have a computer curse on me!  Tuesday Morning has no record of me placing my headboard order, and to top it off, that headboard is now sold out!  All I can say is my budget is in serious trouble.  I have been looking online for other options, so if y'all have any ideas send them my way...I am looking for a simple upholstered headboard. Kandi is pressuring me to make my own....if I get desperate enough, I might be tackling yet another project for this room!  Please send me headboard options! 

Since I can't share my full remodel with you, I thought I would give you a little sneak peak at a corner in C's room.  Here is one of my Owl Friends on C's newly reupholstered chair. 
I love modern elements mixed with traditional hints in a child's room!  Don't you?!.  I bought this chair for C's room a few months back.  I loved its lines. And it's price tag, $35! The fabric was old, torn, and ugly so I new I would be taking it in for a redo.  I originally had it reupholstered in a great red fabric.(Sorry for the lack of before pictures, but I had this chair originally redone before I started photographing my every project. Then I was in such a hurry to meet this makeover deadline that I took the chair off the the upholstery shop and forgot to get a quick before pic.)As I was saying, the red fabric just did not look right with its black legs.  You know how you think you are going to love something, but it is just a little off?  Well it was just a little off. Thankfully I have a really laid back hubby who supports my crazy ideas, so he only half rolled his eyes when I asked him to help me reload this chair into the car and take it back to the re upholstery shop!  I still have not told him that it cost Woven Home another $175, to have it recovered.  (I bought the fabric as a close-out/flat fold for $3.50 per yard.) Pretty great price, but that still adds another $20 on so I am really at just under $200 for this chair.  Quite a big hit on my $1000 budget, but I think this chair was totally worth it. 

I could not resist this orange giraffe throw blanket, from Tuesday Morning ($39).  It is made from bamboo, and is unbelievably soft!  It does not make up for my missing headboard, but it is a step in the right direction!

 I made this owl friend specifically to match his room. Here is a link to my Owl Friend Tutorial. Do you see the curtains behind the chair?  I have been working on those for the past few days.  This is where I am going to save big on my tight budget.  Honestly if I can give you any advice, when it comes to decorating, if you can sew, then SEW!  Anyone can sew.  Don't be intimidated! I saved $125 per panel (I need 4 panels, so that is a savings of $500!) because I made these curtains my self. Even with that savings, I still had to pay for all other materials, (don't forget lining runs $7 per yard and you will need the same number of yards of lining as your front material). 

I had to make a "be mine" pillow for his room.  I know that this may seem like a Valentine's Day thing, but isn't that every mother's wish, for her child to be her little sweet heart?  I know I will have to let go of him someday, but he is only 3 so the way I figure it I still have a few more good years left.  These pictures are just a little teaser on what is to come.  I promise I am working hard to finish this project, and share the full reveal with you!

I want to congratulate our Owl winners!  I asked Jacob to pick the winner this week.  He was asked to pick a number between 1-24.  I thought this would be a good exercise for my kindergartner.  After choosing numbers 90, 75, 28, and 50 he settled on 6 because his birthday was last week, and you guessed it, he turned 6! So congratulations Elizabeth, you are our lucky winner!  Okay in the fullness of disclosure, I am going to have my hubby pick an additional winner, because you see, I have a feeling the Elizabeth, is non-other than my older sis!  Crazy how that worked out!  Thankfully my hubby passed kindergarten, and on his first guess picked 24! So we are going to have two winners this week.  My big sis Liz, and Ariebellsmimi.  Please email me your orders!


I linked up here...


  1. That owl pillow is SUPER cute!

  2. Congrats for the winners... Now I really have no excuses but to make my won owl, hahah:)

  3. Have tons of ideas for headboards. We found a king size headboard that horrible fabric in the certain and we changed to a neutral suede and we love it. Recently I have seen doors turned sideways used and center panels cut out and replace with fabric covered shapes. Also think that plywood covered with padding and fabric with accent buttons in your favorite pattern. If interested I can give you more details.

  4. What an adorable corner. The owl is super cute! Try They have amazing prices on upholstered headboards. I'm a new follower too1 cute blog!

  5. Thank you Leesa, and A Lived in Home!. I will try wayfair, and Lessa please send me more details.

  6. I so love that owl, I'm in owl heaven whenever I see him. You corner is adorable and that is a very pretty chair, love the orange giraffe throw. Very special corner. Happy birthday to your son, and the lucky #6 who won. Thanks for sharing your inspiration at Sunday's Best. PS - following you on Linky!

  7. Oh, My Gosh! I can't believe I won an owl! I am so excited!!Thank you so much Rebekah! Where do I email the order to?

  8. I loove your owl, I have made some owls in the past but I love your design for a little boys room!

  9. Ariebellsmimi,
    Please email us We can't wait to get started on your little owl!

  10. ariebellsmimi (Donna)March 15, 2012 at 6:30 PM

    Rebekah and Kandi,
    Sent the email! Thank you so very much!! So excited!!

  11. Love the look of this chair. Love the gray and the pillows.

  12. Great chair, love the colour, and those curtains look really professional!

  13. Ahhh! Those owls--I need one! What a darling room! Thanks for sharing at oopsey daisy!

  14. I want an Owl for myself, I so love it. It is too cute. Your room is darling and love the look of the chair. Your curtains are so professional looking! Great room - did I say I want that owl!!!!! Thanks for sharing your creative inspiration at Sunday's Best.

  15. This is Donna,aka (ariebellsmimi) one of the winners of the Owl Pillow! I received him today and I was so excited! What a great job you did! He is going to be a gift for my Son's birthday! Will be quite hard to part with him though! Thank you so much, he will be treasured forever! You Ladies Rock! If you go to links below, there are 2 pictures I posted of the Owl.

  16. Donna,
    I am so glad our owl made it to you safe and sound. I hope your son loves him, he was one of my favorites! Thanks for the pictures.

  17. Sneak peak at the little mans room beautiful and stylish

  18. The post is giving a sneak peak at the little mans room. Good post
