
Thursday, March 8, 2012

The Liebster Blog Award

Blogging has been such a great experience... even when it was just our moms reading!  But, every new follower, sweet comment, and feature just make you more and more addicted to blogging!  Not to be sappy or cliche but I really feel like blogging is good for the soul.  There is a true sense of community, a place where for the most part, women are lifting each other up, praising, and just being positive.  We all need a little of that in our life. 

Getting the Liebster Blog Award from Angie over at Beneath The Magnolias has magnified that goodness!  You know, ever since our teachers began handing out that "Terrific Kid" award in Kindergarten, we've all aspired to be recognized!  Thanks Angie for making our day!  You must go check out her blog.  It is absolutely full of amazing projects, tutorials, recipes, etc.

The Liebster Blog Award promotes blogs with less than 200 followers as a way to get their names out there! Liebster is apparently German for 'dearest or beloved' but it can also mean 'favorite'. 

In order to accept the award the recipient must:
1.) Thank the person who gave you the reward
2.) Link back to that person's blog
3.) Copy and paste the award to your blog
4.) Present the award to 3-5 blogs with less than 200 followers you believe deserve this special recognition.
5.) Let those blogs know by leaving them a comment

These are the blogs we have chosen:

Stephanie @ Silver Boxes

These are 3 amazing bloggers who inspire us every day!  You will find endless creativity on these 3 blogs! 

Rebekah & Kandi

1 comment:

  1. Aww! Thank you so much! I'm flattered!

    ~Steph @ Silver Boxes
