
Monday, February 6, 2012

PINsperation: Sugar Cookie Squares

I have seen these all over Pinterest.  Beautiful deserts that look so scrumptious you realize you have just drooled on your keyboard.  So delectable you walk straight into your kitchen and just start cooking because you have to have it... NOW!  It happened to me this weekend.  Pinterest caught me in a weak moment.  Up on my screen popped the most beautiful Sugar Cookie Squares I have ever seen.  Added bonus, it said they were SIMPLE!  I'm in!
Sorry for making you drool!
Jaclyn from Cooking Classy says "who doesn't love a fluffy thick frosted sugar cookie?"  Ummmm... is there anyone out there? 

The baby was napping and the boy was getting restless so I enlisted his help.  Here is where real life enters... a 5 year old cannot help make the cookie squares you see above.  Well, I'm sure they could, but it would be more like "helping" from another corner of the room, or maybe, "here you go Gray, you can add this last yellow sprinkle on top." 

The moral of this story is that we made these sugar cookie squares and they were amazing!  Adults and kids alike gobbled them up after dinner!  The one big difference was the "styling" if you will.  Our bars were beautiful in there own right thanks to a young budding chef.

The tongue sticking out aids in the creative process.  I do the exact same thing when I concentrate!
Notice he made green icing for the boys and pink for the girls.

Maybe not quite so beautiful but delicious and super EASY!!

All worth it!  Thanks Jacyln for the PINsperation!  Go visit her beautiful blog for the full
Sugar Cookie Square recipe along with many other delicious creations! 



  1. Ha ha! I'm a sucker for pinterest as well. That looks really yummy. And easy too? Hum. I'm all for it. Thanks for sharing.

  2. Luv Pinterest! These cookies look yummy! From the pics I see I'm not the only one who thinks they are yummy!! Cute kiddos!!

  3. Thanks for making me drool all over myself at work!!!! YUM... and those are some beautiful kiddos. Miss them!!!!!
