
Friday, February 3, 2012

Paper Heart Garland Tutorial

AHHHH!  I hate computers!  My husband is out of town, so it is just me and the kiddos.  Last night after the boys went to bed I put my finishing touches on this post; and this morning, it is gone, the whole blasted post is gone!  I have no idea what I have done, but apparently my post is off in cyberspace!  So if this entry seems a little rushed it is...and I am so sorry.

I really want to share my Paper Heart Garland with you, it is easy to make.  I did have a little help from my Cricut, and my sewing machine. 

I purchased the valentine's inspired paper and the pink ribbon for the garland at Michael's.  The paper was $4.99, and a spool of ribbon was $2.99.  This entire project cost me less than $9.00.  (and if you have a coupon, it will cost you even less.)

Here are the steps to making the paper heart garland.  This tutorial could easily be adapted for any holiday or party theme.

Paper from Michael's

1. Cut out your shapes, (I chose to mix circles and hearts) You will need 5 circles/hearts for each finished ornament.
I used my Cricut to cut my shapes

Hearts and Circles

Line up your 5 shapes and ribbon

2. Sew the layers and ribbon together.

Sew ribbon to the middle shape, that way it will not slip around when you sew all the shapes together

Stack all 5 layers together and sew;  then fold layers so they become 3-D

3. Fold paper so the heart becomes 3-dimensional

4. Make your ribbon chain garland. (I cut my ribbon in 8" lengths than glued them together) don't forget to hang your ornaments on the garland.

Make your ribbon chain and hang your hearts

Thanks for joining us today.  If you have an questions about this project, please leave a comment. 

Here is where we link up!


  1. Way cute! I love my cricut! The possibilities with that machine are endless!

  2. We love our Cricut too! They were on sale for only $159 last month....I don't know if they are still on sale, but if they are, what a buy.

  3. Rebekah, this is just darling. And the mantle looks FABULOUS!! So sweet. Would be delighted for you to link this and any other fun projects up to Mop It Up Monday:

    your newest follower
