
Tuesday, September 18, 2012

2 days til Finders Keepers sale!

The countdown has begun!  Everyone is scurrying around doing last minute things and the store is looking absolutely gorgeous!  I am so excited for Wednesday to get here and those doors to open up!

At my house over the weekend we actually had some productivity!  It was one of those rare elusive weekends that wasn't jam packed with something to do every single minute.  A Friday night fundraiser and a Saturday morning soccer game were the only things we HAD to do which is just so manageable.  That being said we FINALLY got our dining room painted.  For atleast 6 months now our dining room has had about 2.1 million color samples on the wall (recurring problem).  Last time you saw her she looked like this but the new reveal will be coming next week! 
BEFORE:  You can see just one area of paint swatches... there were multiple!

Think beautifully (repurposed) white linen curtains... with an added pop of color, a $40 Goodwill dresser turned buffet, an old mirror renewed, and 2 amazing gorgeous botanical prints from the Goodwill which also got a little sprucing up.  Maybe next week will officially be "dining room" week on the blog.  We'll see... I always have such good intentions!

Now, onto a few more sneak peaks of FINDERS KEEPERS.

This is my absolute most favorite spot in the entire store.  The chippy goodness on that chair next to the trunk table.... perfection!

See you Wednesday at 3!! 

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