
Monday, August 6, 2012

Whirlwind 24 hours and exciting news!

If you knew you had 24 hours to yourself in your own home, no kids, no dog, no husband... what would you do?  Why... you would call your friend who happens to live 5 hours away and tell her to get in the car for a SLUMBER PARTY!!!!!!  And, what would said friend do? She would get in her car at 5 a.m. the next morning and make it happen!

Our Saturday went something like this.
10:30 Meet at fabric store
Sneak Peak at a couple new lines.  BE VERY EXCITED!

12:00 Load up massive amounts of fabric into the car... just 100 or so yards...

12:30 Head to the Designer Showhouse to check it out.

3:00 Have lunch including a pitcher of Sangria... because lunch at 3 is perfectly fine when you have no kids!

4:00 Head to the grand opening of Saint Paul Mountain Vineyard.  (YAY Ward Family!!  So happy for you!)

6:00 Rebekah has made life long friends with everyone there and a great business contact with whom we now have a 10:30 meeting with Sunday Morning.

7:00 Come home and spread out all our fabric and make BIG BIG plans!

8:00 Mango Margaritas for appetizer and Mexican for dinner

10:30 Bed... yes, that's how we roll.

Back to business.  We are super crazy excited to be teaming up with Finders Keepers NC for their fall sale.  Our pillows, table runners, and other Woven Home odds and ends with be all through the store and both Rebekah and I will be there working hard!  We are super excited and with such a short meeting feel like we may have met our future selves in Wendy and Janet! 

More on this to come but if you live anywhere near Western NC you must be at this sale September 19-22.  It is a true experience!

This on top of  other new store orders in Virginia are making for two very excited girls who need to get off the computer and get in front of the sewing machine!



  1. That's so exciting; congrats!!! And what a fun day the two of you had together!

  2. Wow, congratulations. This sound so fabulous. Hugs, Marty

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