
Friday, July 13, 2012

Family Pictures

This summer has been crazy!  My family made the choice not to have help with the kids this summer, so unless you want me to post pictures of me with the kids at the grocery store, or pool, I am afraid there are just not enough hours in the day for home design projects!  I am hoping Kandi and I will be able to get back to our regular posting schedule soon. 

A few weeks ago my family came for a visit, and my gracious and very talented cousin, Krista Joy took pictures for us.  The location we chose was perfect, my friend's farm where we share a garden so my family spends a lot of time here. 

I could show you all of the amazing photos of my family where everyone is looking and smiling perfectly at the camera, but lets be honest for every one of those, there are 10 of these...

This is my favorite series of photos;  all taken within a couple seconds.  Ahh the universal struggle of getting your children to do what you ask...(stand up, keep your hands down, and smile for the camera!)


Look at that face!  And I still don't know where he found that toy gun!

Here are a few of Krista Joy's tips for a great portrait session.

1. Find soft lighting.  Preferred outside, at the edge of a building that provides back lighting not in direct sun.

2. When photographing children have a distraction behind the photographer to help the kids smile.

3. Have your outfits complement your setting.  Do not change who you are as a family to fit in with a stuffy photo. Those boots are not just props, they are our work boots!

If you are interested in having a photo session with Krista Joy Photography you can contact her at

Boys with Libby

The entire family


Grandma with her boys.

Hope you are having a wonderful summer!  I look forward to sharing more projects with you soon.



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