
Tuesday, May 1, 2012

PINsperation: DIY Moss and Split Pea Decorative Balls

I discovered a great new blog a few days ago via PinterestSand and Sisal.  Am I the only one who has been missing out on this awesome blog?  She had a super doable tutorial on making your own decorative balls so I had to try it out.  I have to say that I am actually really bad at crafting.  In my head I am Martha Stewart but in reality I'm just no where close.  95%  of the time things do not come out right the first time and what I think is going to be a 5 minute project turns into something much longer and more frustrating.  But, having said all that, I only made one boo boo on this project and only had to start over one time which in my book is a total success!

Kim has an amazing tutorial on her blog but here is my short version.

 1.  Gather supplies:
-Styrofoam balls
-1 bag of split peas (one small bag made 1 medium and 1 large ball with a few peas leftover)
-Bag of moss (I got mine from Michael's... don't forget to download their app if you have a smart phone!  Great coupons!)
-Glue sticks and gun
-Green paint
-Paint brush
-Mod Podge (in matte)

2.  Paint your balls green to help disguise any open spots.

3. Hot glue on peas/moss completely covering the ball.  Your moss balls are ready for display at this point.  (FYI... it will not work to try to Mod Podge the peas to the ball unless you have plenty of patience/time...something I do not have...)

4.  For the pea balls Mod Podge over the entire ball... use the matte as Kim suggests and they will look better than mine :-)

Next time this table shows up in a picture it will be a nice creamy white!

Getting my basket of pine cones off the table was LONG over due!  This was a one nap time long project and doing it yourself saves quite a bit of cash!

I'm off to do some painting. 

Linking up here.

shabby creek cottage
all crafts Homemade Projects ~ Add Yours! {2/21}

Home Stories A2Z


  1. I love Sand & Sisal. I had pinned a few of Kim's projects before really going through her amazing blog. The moss balls look fantastic in that basket. Megan

  2. Thank you! I'm glad you were inspired to make some for your home! :)
    ~ KIM @ Sand & Sisal

  3. Super cool!Love this!

  4. Cute, super cute and I am crafty but not crafty if you know what I mean I might could manage this. Olive @OliveOut

  5. Love it! Super easy! I found you through the Whatever Wednesday link party. I am a new follower! I blog over at Check us out when you get a chance!

  6. Wow! I love! I'm a new follower.. and I have a linky party going on. I'd love you to follow back and come link up!

    Jen :)

  7. I have an affinity for decorative balls and these are just wonderful!

  8. Those are just unique and pretty - very fresh and springy!
    Thanks for linking up!
    Stacey of Embracing Change
