
Saturday, May 26, 2012

Happy Memorial Day Weekend!!

It's official (well, you know, in an unofficial kind of way).  Memorial Day Weekend is here which means we can now wear white pants again!

Wit and Delight
J. Crew
We can have a pool party!
(No link back)
OK, OK, lets face it... our pool party will look more like this...

Homemaking Fun

On a more serious note let us truly remember what this day is about.  The meaning of Memorial Day is to commemorate the soldiers who have died in war.  They are innumerable, brave, and in many cases under appreciated.  If you see a soldier today... thank him or her.  What they (and their families) give up to keep us safe is unimaginable to most of us.  No matter the state of the United States I feel we are truly blessed to live here.  We need to pray for this country and pray for our soldiers.  That seems like the one little thing I can do to help...


1 comment:

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