
Sunday, April 15, 2012

Spring Insprired!

I have a confession to make...when Kandi and I started this blog, I did not know the first thing about blogging.  In fact for the first couple of months, Kandi wrote and posted all of are entries.  I would send her pictures, and comments, and she would rearrange and rewrite everything.  I have come a long way in the last few months.  I find this ironic because her computer has been down for almost a month now, and I know she is itching to get back to her keyboard, and back to you.  This morning as I was drinking my coffee, and working on the blog, I hopped over to my Pinterest Page, and saw that Kandi had managed to get herself to a computer and "Pin" a few new spring images.  So on behave of Kandi and I, here are a few "Spring Images" that are inspiring us.  I need to get ready for church, so I am not going to put a link under each of the pictures.  However, if you go to the top right corner of our web page there is a button that you can press that says "Follow me on Pinterest"  just hit that button and you can go to Kandi's spring page and link back to the original post and author. 


thanks for joining Kandi and me this Sunday!



  1. Pretty spring inspiration.

  2. We need to find out if it's possible to blog from an iPad!! After a month away computer is officially "not worth repairing". Apparently 2.5 is ancient in computer world..... I will keep the curse words to myself!! Kandi
