
Wednesday, March 21, 2012

Garden Inspiration

Rebekah and I have decided to write a few "gardening blogs" in the coming future.  Why you ask, because we both love to garden.  Rebekah is a wealth of knowledge when it comes to gardening;  I usually Google  any plant before I plant it to make sure I'm doing it right!  But, I learn a little something every time I Google (and maybe if my child will start sleeping I might begin to retain at least a tiny amount of knowledge).
This is not my house.  But like my Pinterest pin says, "a girl can dream, right!!"
I will be putting in a vegetable garden this year!  Yay!  I've have had two veggie gardens of my own in the past.  The first one my mom planted and I LOVED her for it.  The second one I planted, did a wonderful, beautiful job... and just as all my yummy veggies were getting ready to harvest... we moved!!!  BUMMER!  I really hope those folks who bought our house at least ate a few of my cucumbers and tomatoes. 
Photo from Better Home and Gardens

I am looking forward to this project.  I plan on getting the kids involved (I hear you laughing!).  I grew up on a farm and it is a big part of who I am.  Now I know that a little veggie garden is not the same"growing up on a farm" but hopefully they will at least take something away.  And anyway, there is nothing better on this planet than a tomato sandwich with a juicy homegrown tomato, on soft white bread, smothered in Dukes mayonnaise with tons of salt and pepper.  If your not from the South you are probably gagging but TRY IT!  When tomato juice drips down your wrist you will know you have arrived at perfection

I am entertaining the idea of a wall mounted succulent garden.  They are just so beautiful.  I am not sure if it will happen this summer but I have the perfect spot right outside my kitchen window!
Picture courtesy of Country Living
I am a huge fan of container gardening.  Its like jewelry for your house.  Here are a couple pictures from my house last summer.  This summer I plan to add a little more color I think. 
A couple of containers on the back porch

Front Porch

From my mom's garden last summer.
We also created a backyard last fall!  Before and after pics to come.  Picture an over grown forest with weeds and vines to your neck going to a beautiful, lush shaded yard.  It happened!  More on that to come.  These projects along with a cut flower garden are what I have on the agenda for Spring/Summer 2012 (along with a laundry room redo, dining room makeover, and 20 zillion other projects sitting in my head).

If you love flowers its easier than you think to get started.  BHG and Country Living are great sources for garden plans and other plant knowledge.  Get a plan and head to your garden store.  The people are always so helpful and will get you on your way.  I guarantee if you start with just one container you'll be addicted in no time (speaking from experience)!

Go get your hands dirty!


1 comment:

  1. Kandi, you have me wanting a good ol tomato sandwich now!! Let me know when your tomatos come in, I will be happy to take some off your hands ;-) Also Brentley's cousin; Justin, is over the floral dept at Ace Hardware on g'ville hwy, he had some BEAUTIFUL plants last year and can order you anything you'd like. I couldn't believe how much cheaper some of his stuff was compared to others around. Just fyi. I enjoy your blog, you girls give me hope that I might be able to do some of these home fixes myself! lol
