
Friday, February 24, 2012

Our Favorite Banana Bread

This week has been so crazy for Kandi and me!  Between sick kids, snow days, working hubbies, unexpected visits, and major projects that we are just not ready to share; life has sure gotten in the way of us connecting with you, and we are sorry!  I am finally sitting down, after putting my babes to bed, and I thought I would share with you my Banana Bread Recipe. 

As with all of my recipes, I have tweaked a recipe that came my way years ago.  Hope you enjoy, this is one of my family's faves....

Banana Bread

Cream together in a Food Processor

1/2 C Butter (1 stick)
2 eggs
1 C mashed bananas (3-4)Best when very ripe
1 C sugar
1/2 C Buttermilk (if you don't have buttermilk on hand, you can mix 1 T vinegar and milk to measure 1/2 cup liquid)

Add to creamed mixture

1 t. baking soda
1 t. salt
1 t. cinnamon

Mix, then add

2 Cups Flour

Mix and pour into a greased bread pan.  My family loves chocolate chips in their banana bread, so I add 1/2 cup mini chocolate chips at this point.  (mini chips are key, anything larger will sink to the bottom of the bread)

Gently stir chips. (don't get carried away, or they will all sink) Wipe sides of pan and place in preheated 350 degree oven for 55-60 minutes. 




  1. Yum. This looks good. My husband makes killer banana-oatmeal-whole wheat pancakes with chocolate chips in them. Will have to try this. Thanks for sharing!

  2. Wow, thanks to a dedicated reader, it was brought to my attention that my original recipe was missing sugar! Whoops! I have since updated the recipe. Don't forget 1 cup of sugar under the first step! I am so sorry!
