
Wednesday, February 8, 2012

Chalk Heart Garland

Can a person really have too many heart garlands around her home?  And by a person I mean me....if I were to answer this honestly I would say I have gone a little heart crazy this February.   My sis has even accused me of going a little country this season, and well I guess I have, but I like to call my style Updated County, and I really hope you agree.

So this is it, I promise, my last Heart Garland Tutorial.  (It is a NO-SEW garland, perfect for those who do not own a sewing machine!)

Here are the steps I took to make this adorable, &  maybe a little country CHALK HEART GARLAND.

1.  Wooden Hearts
2 . Wire (I used 17 gauge wire)
3.  Chalk Paint
4.  Chalk Pens
5.  Wire Cutter
6.  Drill & Saftey Glasses
7.  Piece of scrap wood
* I found my wooden hearts at Michael's.  I used that new Michael's App. on my IPhone and saved 40% !  This app is free.  Download yours from the app. store today and start saving.

Drill a hole in the top of your heart.  Don't forget to wear your safety glasses (your welcome Uncle Robert! ((he is a safety expert)). I placed a scrap piece of wood under my heart so I do not drill through onto my table. 

Paint your heart with chalk board paint.  I did two coats of paint on each side, don't forget to spray the edges.  Let dry between coats of paint.  (I always wait for a nice day, & do this project outside).

  String your dry hearts together on a wire.  Any wire will work for this part of the project, I used electric fence wire, clearly something that was lying around my garage.  I spaced my hearts about 6-8 inches apart on the wire; twist the wire at the top of each heart to hold it in place. (The heart in this picture is wrong side up, you can see the residue from the Michael's sticker)

I chose to write a message on my hearts.  You can leave them blank, but I guess there would be no point in painting them with chalk paint.  We have a five year old that likes to point out letters;  so I thought it would be cute to include his initial and his brother's in our Valentine's display.  Therefore, A+R= J, C.

This garland looks great on a fireplace mantel, on a stair rail, or draped over a hutch.
Hope you enjoy this project!

p.s. If you havn't taken a look at Kandi's playroom you are missing out. She did an amazing job on a tiny budget. Tomorrow she will be sharing with us a love story of two chairs.

blog parties
p.s. If you havn't taken a look at Kandi's playroom you are missing out.  She did an amazing job on a tiny budget.  Tomorrow she will be sharing with us a love story of two chairs.


  1. So cute! Love the simplicity! Would love for you to link up to our Uncommonly Yours link party!

  2. this is so darling what a great idea that will last for years! I would love you to add this and any other posts you want to show off to my What We Wore and Made party over at

  3. OMG so cute! I never thought to do any banner with chalkboard anything! I'm your newest follower! Have a great week ladies!
    Stay Crafty x0x0

  4. What a fun idea! I just saw different colors of chalkboard paint at JoAnn's... I will have to try this in red! Thanks for sharing at oopsey daisy!

  5. Precious! I LOVE it! THanks for sharing at my party!!! XO, Aimee

  6. Love this idea ~ thanks for sharing. Happy Valentine's Day

  7. Beautiful!! I can't get enough chalkboard projects! :)

    Thanks so much for linking up!!

  8. So darling and sweet!!! Thank you for sharing at Feathered Nest Friday!
