
Wednesday, January 11, 2012

Key Lime Pie and Sunday at Nana's

In my family we are huge on traditions.  I think they are very important.  Growing up, I was surrounded by my entire family.  And, by entire, I mean tons of people... immediate family, extended family, those who are close enough friends that they count as family... you get the jist... tons! For me now, and for every year of my life until now, we have gone to my grandmothers for lunch every Sunday, AFTER CHURCH.  Even when I left for college I knew I could pop home on a Sunday and walk into a giant home cooked lunch.  It's always there, sort of like death and taxes... you can count on it!  Now my kids count on it, and look forward to it, and love it as much as I do.  Its things like that you take for granted when you are young but cherish as you get older.

It looks something like this....

Lets just talk about this... can you imagine, cooking for 20-40 people EVERY Sunday?  I hope she knows how much we all appreciate her.  I try to tell her, but does she really know?  I hope so!  She's the glue (and a darn good cook!)

So, the reason for this blog post.  I want to start sharing some of my recipes on here.  I think food is really what Rebekah and I initially bonded over!  She is one of the best cooks I know and a fabulous entertainer!

This week I made a Key Lime pie for Sunday lunch.  I made it because a bag of key limes was left at my house after our New Years Eve Party... random!  I usually cook either from memory or by reading a few recipes and putting one together of my own .  This recipe is the same way but I also added in a couple ingredients from my favorite Key Lime Pie from a restaurant that is no longer!  From the long lost and dearly missed Key West Fish Company came the macadamia nut and zest addition to the graham cracker crust and also the fresh berries on top... any will do!


Graham Cracker Crust:

1 1/4 cup graham cracker crumbs
5 - 6 Tablespoons unsalted butter, melted
2 Tablespoons granulated white sugar
1/4 cup crushed macadamia nuts
1-2 Teaspoons of Lime Zest


One 14 ounce can sweetened condensed milk
3 large egg yolks
2 teaspoons grated lime zest
1/2 cup key lime juice
2 Tablespoons granulated white sugar
1 cup heavy whipping cream


Whipped Cream
Lime Zest Curls


1. Preheat oven to 350 degrees F , placing the rack in the center of the oven.

2. To make the graham cracker crust, mix the graham cracker crumbs, melted butter and sugar, nuts and zest. Press into the bottom and sides of a well greased 9 inch pie pan. Cover with plastic wrap and chill.

3. While the crust is chilling, with an electric mixer beat the egg yolks until pale and fluffy (about 3 minutes).

4. Gradually add the condensed milk and beat until light and fluffy (4-5 minutes).

5. Add the lime zest and lime juice, mixing thoroughly.

6. Pour the filling into the graham cracker (give it a couple light taps on the table to get rid of air bubbles) and bake for 10 minutes, or until the filling is set.

7. Remove from oven and cool completely then refrigerate until ready to serve.

8. When ready to serve, prepare the topping by beating the whipping cream until soft peaks form. Add the sugar and beat until stiff peaks form.

9. Place topping onto the filling of the pie, add berries and zest curls and serve.

Notes:  It will take a whole bag of key limes to get the 1/2 cup of juice (10-15 depending on how big and how juicy!)  Also, remember to zest your limes BEFORE juicing.


In case you had any doubt... after lunch looks a little something like this...


  1. Oh my goodness I love Key Lime Pie! Thanks for sharing.
    I love the leg hanging out of the crib! Ha ha! I'm so there.

  2. Love, love, love this recipe! I've got to try it! Thanks for sharing.. I found you over at At the Picket Fence linky party!! I'm your newest follower ;) woohoo!!

