
Thursday, December 1, 2011

Christmas Decorating -- On a Budget

Oh how I wish I could shop around town and online to my little hearts content buying whatever strikes my fancy for Christmas decorating each year.  Because, I don't know if you are like me or not, but every year my tastes change just a little and I can't help but wanting to change things up.  Enter Pinterest this year and the desire has exploded!  Alas, I do need to have presents under the tree which means my decorating must be on a budget. 

This year I was completely over my neon Christmas tree.  My computer died early this year so I do not have a picture of the tree from last year  but here is one of the can get the jist!

Really... what was I thinking here?!?
I completely 100% changed the tree.  Not a single thing the same on it... but, I only spent $5 on a box of old chandelier crystals snagged at a yard sale!  I had the lace remnants, the hydrangeas were dried from my yard this summer and the twigs were from my yard as well.  I am extremely pleased with the end result and how it compliments my dining room rather than sticking out like a sore thumb.
I am not even close to being finished decorating this room for Christmas but just to give you an idea... can you imagine a hot pink, blue, and purple tree in that corner?!?

So go shop your yards, your scrap fabric pile, and hit up the Goodwill or a yard sale.  Treasures are out there!

Over the next couple weeks we will feature totally affordable and doable Christmas projects from our homes so check back every day and you might just get inspired! 


P.S.  Dear Santa, if you read this blog, can you please bring me an amazing camera for Christmas this year... thanks!


  1. That was gorgeous decorating! And you call it "on budget". what more if you have all the means to splurge on holiday, I'd surely be looking at magical wonderful then. Great job!

    Merry Christmas
    Anne Walker
    Christmas tree decorating ideas
