
Monday, August 1, 2011

The Tobacco Barn

"Featuring over 77,000 square feet of shopping."
via Antique Tobacco Barn
Seriously?!?  How could you not want to go!
Add in the fact that it has over 75 dealers and has been voted the "Best Place to Buy Antiquest in Western North Carolina" year after year.

via Antique Tobacco Barn

As Rebecca said here this place can get a little over whelming.  I'm talking the "bring your own water supply and some snacks in your pocket book" kind of overhwleming.  You are gonna be there a while, your head will be literally spinning with ideas, and there are treasures everywhere!!

via Antique Tobacco Barn

I love to add a little old in every room I do.  Pieces that will make people say "where did that come from!"  It always makes me feel super proud of myself to say "it's an antique" or "I found it at a thift store for an insane price", or even better... "it came from the Tobacco Barn!".  Many times that spins into a whole new conversation on where in the world is that and ends with an, "I'll meet you there tomorrow morning!".

via Antique Tobacco Barn

My last trip ended with an amazing 7 hole sugar mold and an old grain scoop.  Rebekah also left with a sugar mold and right now hers in holding flowers from her garden while mine is holding votive candles.  My grain scoop is displayed on the entry table to hold mail!  I'm in love!

Let us know where your favorite place to treasure hunt is!


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