
Saturday, August 27, 2011

"Big" Problems

Having a big house can present some "big" problems.  While, of course, that term is all relative... decorating big spaces can present challenges.  Take Rebekah's foyer for example.  Picture extremely high ceilings, a beautiful staircase, and views into the dining, sitting, and main living areas.  You want your entry to showcase what is about to come when people enter the house.  You want it to be beautiful and appropriate. It also has to tie into all of its adjacent spaces.  Here's a good example!

via Pintrest
This picture is straight out of my dreams!

Rebekah recently scored this beautiful antique dresser at her favorite hang out in Lynchburg, Estate Specialist.  The mirror is from there as well (which they did an amazing job refurbishing by the way).  These two vintage pieces along with some perfect staging are truly a great beginning to turning this foyer from good to great!  I know she, along with me, is coveting grass cloth for this area... one step at a time!!!

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